Monday, January 8, 2018

The Chinese People's Liberation Army Since 1949 (Five Stars)

This book looks at the development of the People's Liberation Army (and its components) since the end of the civil war which left the communists as the undisputed masters of China. The book looks at the rank system of the PLA and why formal ranks were restored following the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War. It also speaks a little about the Persian Gulf War and the "wake-up call" that it provided to PLA leadership about the weaknesses of a mass conscription military facing a military with a technological edge. The PLA today is a smaller but more professional force. Its equipment is rapidly improving to make the PLA a force to be reckoned with. Although a small book, The Chinese People's Liberation Army provides a great starting point for more research on the topic or good background into the Chinese military. Illustrated with excellent photographs, maps, and original artwork.

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