Monday, April 22, 2019

Lincoln's Last Trial: the Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency (Five Stars)

Some people know of Lincoln's life as a circuit lawyer, a few even know of Lincoln's "Almanac Defense" that prevented the hanging of an innocent man... but how many know of his last murder trial? In this case Lincoln knew both the accused and the victim. There was no question that the defendant killed the man in question, rather it was a matter of whether or not it was justified self-defense (as well as the validity of a deathbed confession) and how far a man could go do defend his own life. A riveting book, it adds dimension to what we already know about Abraham Lincoln, portraying him as the self-educated man that he was, with his own courtroom style. Abrams and Fisher did an excellent job on this book, making it both readable and enlightening at the same time. A definite must for anyone interested in Lincoln as a person.

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